Probiotic Definitions

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Fermentation - Fruits and vegetables can be preserved with lacto-fermentation, as, for example, in the production of sauerkraut and kimchi from fermented cabbage. This type of fermentation is also used in the production of yoghurt from milk. Fermentation of dairy products restores many enzymes destroyed in pasteurization, including lactase, which allows many people with lactose intolerance to be able to digest these lacto-fermented dairy products. (See Lacto-fermentation.)
Lactic acid - is a natural preservative that inhibits putrefying bacteria, preserves foods naturally, and improves digestion. Through lacto-fermentation (see below) starches and sugars in vegetables and fruits are converted into lactic acid by the many species of lactic-acid-producing bacteria.
Lactobacilli- According to Sally Fallon, author of Nourishing Traditions, lactobacilli are ubiquitous bacterium, present on the surface of all living things and especially numerous on leaves and roots of plants growing in or near the ground.
Lacto fermentation -  is an ancient method of preserving raw food (fruits, vegetables, seeds, or nuts) through encouraging the growth of friendly bacteria such as lactobacilli and other friendly bacterium (probiotics), and sometimes yeasts. The lacto-fermentation process actually converts carbs in the food into lactic acid, and lowers the carb content of fruits and vegetables. The fermentation adds enzymes, nutrients, and probiotics to propagate healthful intestinal flora. Lacto-fermentation does not involve milk, however the use of yogurt whey is often used to start the fermentation process.
Lacto-Fermented Food List – Are to be eaten as compliments in small amounts
To be most effective in aiding digestion and absorption, these foods should be prepared in the traditional manner, using live cultures, with no preservatives.
  • Sauerkraut (fermented cabbage)
  • Kimchi (Oriental form of sauerkraut)
  • Kefir, yogurt, crème fraiche, cottage cheese, cream cheese, cultured butter made from full fat organic milk (not homogenized milk)
  • Pickles (fermented cucumbers)
  • Beet kvass (traditional Russian lacto-fermented beverage)
  • Salsas, relishes, ketchup, mustards, chutneys, pickled vegetables, marmalades, and other condiments (not commercially prepared with preservatives)
  • Kombucha, lemonade, ginger ‘ale’ (made with a live culture)
  • Homemade mayonnaise (made with a live culture during its preparation, thus further enhancing its benefits and extending its shelf life)

Lactos - Lactose refers to the milk sugars that some people find difficult to digest. See Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance –According to the Whey Protein Institute, Individuals with lactose intolerance should select a pure whey protein isolate, which has less than 0.1 gram of lactose per tablespoon (20 grams). This is less lactose than the amount found in a cup of yogurt and research has shown that most people with lactose intolerance have no trouble taking this very small amount of lactose. Individuals with lactose intolerance should avoid whey protein concentrates as they usually contain lactose and the amount can vary greatly from product to product.
Lactose intolerance is characterized by:
·         abdominal bloating
·         gas
·         stomach cramps
·         flatulence
·         diarrhea
According to Restorative medicine, “Lacto-fermented foods enhance digestion, helping to break down difficult-to-digest proteins and carbohydrates, and increase vitamin levels, a well as providing a natural source of digestive enzymes. In addition, lacto-fermented foods contain antibiotic and anticarcinogenic substances. Lacto-fermented foods normalize the acidity of the stomach. . . . Fermentation of dairy products restores many enzymes destroyed in pasteurization, including lactase, which allows many people with lactos intolerance to be able to digest these lacto-fermented dairy products.”

Sauerkraut – According to Restorative medicine, “In uncooked, properly fermented sauerkraut, for example, there are high levels of choline, which helps regulate the passage of nutrients in the body. Sauerkraut also aids the body in the metabolism of fats. With acetylcholine in high levels, there is a powerful effect on the parasympathetic nervous system, a mechanism that lowers blood pressure, slows heartbeat, and promotes calmness and sleep. There is also a powerful effect on the peristalsis of the intestines, thus promoting good bowel movements.”

Whey – According to Wikipedia, Whey or milk plasma is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. . . Because whey contains lactose, its consumption by the 5% of UK population with lactose intolerance should be avoided. . . Whey protein is the name of globular proteins that can be isolated from whey. It is typically a mixture of globinstagers beta-lactoglobulin (~65%), alpha-lactalbumin (~25%), and serum albumin (~8%), which are soluble in their native culture forms, independent of pH. . . Liquid whey contains lactose, vitamins, protein and minerals along with traces of fat. In 2005 researchers at Lund University in Sweden discovered that whey appears to stimulate insulin release, in type 2 diabetics.Writing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, they also discovered that whey supplements can help regulate and reduce spikes in blood sugar levels among people with type 2 diabetes by increasing insulin secretion.

Whey, captured from yogurt, is often used to augment the lacto-fermentation of fruits and vegetables especially when someone wishes to limit the amount of sea salt used in the lacto-fermentation process.

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